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Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $29.00.

Modafinil is currently available under several brand names, including Provigil, Alertec, Modalert, Modapro, Modafil, Modvigil and Modatec. Names vary by region and manufacturer. We sell Modalert 200 mg by Sun Pharma by default – it’s a generic version of Modafinil produced in India.

Remember, generic doesn’t mean ineffective

Generic versions of medications are simply the product without the branding and ad campaigns that drive up their cost. Millions of dollars go into the promotion and marketing of a new drug, and that expense is passed onto the consumer in the form of higher product prices. There may be some differences in appearance, tablet doses and sizes, and the inactive ingredients, but the same active medication component that is in the brand name is still in the generic version. The active medication is what makes the drug effective, not its packaging, TV commercials or its physical appearance.

With generic modafinil, you’ll still receive the same benefits as you would with a name brand medicine, just at a fraction of the price. Like the popular branded names, generic drug compositions also receive approval by the Food and Drug Administration. So, whether you’re cost-conscious, on a budget, or simply don’t see the need to pay more just to get the brand name, the safe generic alternatives should work for you.

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Sleep disordersModern generation highly addicted to coffee and various energy drinks is searching for an effective source, which can help to feel awake during the whole day, to diminish fatigue and to boost mental energy. Modafinil is one of the greatest achievements in the pharmacological medicine, which successfully copes with an excessive sleepiness, gives a better focus and regulates sleep disorders. It belongs to a category of “smart drugs” and has become very popular among business people and students.




The main active substance in this medication is modafinil. Produced in India, it is a generic alternative of famous labeled drugs known as sleep dysfunctions treatment. Modafinil 200 mg 10 pills provides similar results with the only difference – cheap price.

These drugs are used by individuals who suffer from sleep apnea, narcolepsy and insomnia. It helps to stay alert and attentive during the day. The drug is widely used by office workers, when their job requires being watchful and concentrated for a long period. In comparison with coffee, Modafinil ensures a prolonged effect and helps to manage a big amount of work.




The genuine mechanism that lets this medicine keep people awake is not properly studied. Its main ingredient provides wake-promoting activities, which resemble those of amphetamine, but its pharmacological function differs from that of sympathomimetic amines.

Modafinil amplifies neuronal activation in certain brain zones. Along with its wake-promoting functions, these tablets ensure a better thinking and perception, euphoric effects and can alter people’s mood. The produced effect is similar to the central nervous system stimulants. Besides, it increases the level of serotonin, which is also responsible for stabilizing mood. Due to such results, these pills are also prescribed as a powerful antidepressant.




WaterThis medicine can be purchased without prescription through numerous online pharmacies. That is why, it is important to follow all doctor’s instructions of its correct administration.

The tab is taken one time a day, usually in the morning. It is swallowed with one glass of water. A regular daily dosage for adult users is 200 mg. The pill can be divided into 2 servings, the second one is taken at midday.

If patients feel that 200mg is insufficient, the doctor can double the dose. It is possible if users do not have kidney or liver disorders. Do not exceed the dosage without a professional medical consultation. In case of an overdose, people may feel sick, excited or disoriented. They can experience chest pain, blood pressure increase, diarrhea or heartbeat changes. If you have any of these symptoms, address your health-care provider with no delay.




Modafinil can cause single side effects. It is quite individual, so not every user gets them for certain. Usually such adverse reactions are mild and can be simply uncomfortable. Do not take the pills in the following cases:

  • you notice any mental changes (nervousness, mood swings, aggression, forgetfulness, suicidal thoughts, unreasonable happiness, over-excitement);
  • you feel that your mouth or throat become swelling;
  • you have any difficulty in breathing;
  • you notice any skin itching or rash.

Side effects of ModafinilOther possible side effects may be manifested by such symptoms like:

  • muscle weakness;
  • dry mouth;
  • stomach aches;
  • speech problems;
  • headaches;
  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • taste alteration;
  • blurred vision;
  • nose bleed;
  • vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • loss of sex drive.

Try to monitor any changes in your health condition during Modafinil therapy. Contact your therapist if you notice any of the above-mentioned side effects. It is not allowed to use this medicine, if patients have the following health conditions:

  • heart disorders, high blood pressure;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the drug ingredients;
  • kidney or liver dysfunction;
  • anxiety, psychosis, depression;
  • drug or alcohol abuse.

Young people who are under 18 are advised no Rx Modafinil.




Interaction with food, alcohol, other tabsModafinil has incompatibility with certain tablets. Talk to your physician about these contraindications. List all the medicines you take including pills purchased over-the-counter, supplements and herbs. The simultaneous intake of Modafinil with the following medicines can cause unpleasant adverse reactions:

  • medications for indigestion;
  • pills for depression and anxiety;
  • tablets for low cholesterol;
  • antivirals;
  • tabs for epilepsy;
  • hormonal contraceptives.

Modafinil pills include lactose. Patients with sugar intolerance have to be careful during the treatment. Do not consume large amounts of caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, cola, tea), because this substance may amplify Modafinil side effects. The medicine is not affected by food consumption, just try to reduce alcohol usage during the treatment.




InsomniaThe customers who purchase Modafinil are people looking for an extra energy source. Because of their study or job, they need to stay focused and awake.

SildenafilViagra receives positive testimonials from individuals who take this medicine and finally achieve the desired effect.

Large amounts of caffeine negatively affect human health. It leads to insomnia, restlessness, increased heart rate, stomach aches, irritation, etc. This fact is proved by numerous scientific studies.

Modafinil doesn’t influence on a human cardiovascular system or change blood pressure like most energy stimulants do. Buying Modafinil online is a good choice to cope with daytime sleepiness, to enhance cognitive functions and manage more tasks in less time.




Modafinil is becoming very popular in many countries. Most people who have tried this medicine prefer to buy it online as a fast and safe way of getting goods. If you hesitate where to get and how to get these unique pills, try our internet shop SildenafilViagra. It is the best site to get high-quality generics safely and at good prices.

The cost for the products in our store is calculated per pill, and by ordering 10 pills, customers get a significant discount. The payment can be made with bitcoin, with credit card and by PayPal. The fast shipping is carried out not only within NYC, but also on the whole territory of the USA.

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Buying in online storeAs this medicine is available for sale via internet, most customers wonder: is it legal to buy Modafinil online?

In the United States, these pills are known as schedule 4 drugs. It means that they are sold by prescription through regular drugstores.

While SildenafilViagra is a legal and safe place to get them OTC by a credit card payment. It is the best place to buy 10 tabs of Modafinil 200 mg or any other required medicine with security and total confidentiality.

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