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Sexual disorders in menCialis is an effective cure for erectile dysfunction, which is also known as a “weekend” drug due to its prolonged action. Cialis is no less effective than the world-famous Viagra, but it has a number of differences. A branded drug costs a lot, so it is not available to all men for often use. In this case, the generic product – Cialis Soft comes for help. It is same effective, and safe as the original, but costs much less. The fact is that generics are produced in India, and their price does not include an extra charge for the name of “big brand”. If for you is more important to get the desired result by paying less for it, the generic Cialis Soft will be the best choice.




What is Cialis Soft? This is a medication based on tadalafil, which becomes a worthy alternative to Viagra. The medicine has a number of features that make it unique, namely:

  • action up to 36 hours;
  • possibility of using by men over 65 years of age;
  • mild effect;
  • can be used by people with easy renal insufficiency.

Tadalafil is effective in erectile dysfunction, which is caused by both physiological and psychological reasons. And also good in treating problems with the potency that are caused by age-related changes.

If this drug is suitable for you, then it makes sense to buy Cialis Soft 20 mg 10 tabs at once. Such a large purchase will allow you to spare a lot. If you have not previously used medications based on tadalafil and do not know how they affect you, then you can order free samples of Cialis 20 mg in the SildenafilViagra online pharmacy. This drug is almost identical to Cialis Soft and has the same 20mg dosage. With the help of it you can see the effectiveness of the medicine, paying only for delivery.

Cialis Soft is available in special caps filled with gel. This form is ideal for those who cannot swallow solid tablets.





Cialis Soft drugsCialis Soft tablets start to act pretty quickly, and the effect of them persists for 36 hours. Despite such a prolonged action, the effect of the drug appears exactly when it is necessary – during sexual arousal. Without it, Cialis will not work.

What happens at the time of sexual arousal? In the male body, nitric oxide is produced, and it triggers the processes leading to an erection. Tadalafil enhances these processes, and also blocks the action of PDE5 (phosphodiesterase 5) enzymes, which prevent the complete filling of the penis with blood. Cialis Soft relaxes the smooth muscles of the penis and increases blood circulation. Due to this, the spongy and cavernous bodies become filled with blood as much as possible. All this leads to a permanent erection, sufficient for full-fledged sex. The erection disappears after orgasm. Cialis Soft strengthens the natural processes in the body, so its effect is quite mild. Your partner will never know that you using a drug to enhance an erection.

Healthy men do not need to take Cialis Soft to make their sensations better, as they will not notice any difference. The drug is not intended for use by women, especially pregnant and lactating.


Learn More About CIALIS WORK



In order to make Cialis Soft the most effective and safe, it is important to take it rightly. This medicine is suitable for regular use, and doctors say that it is safe to take pills two to three times a week. The drug works 36 hours which makes it the best option for those men whose sexual activity is very high.

Cialis Soft acts three times faster than normal Cialis, and it should be taken into account. Dosages of 20 mg are sufficient for the vast majority of men. Men with mild renal insufficiency and older 65 years should carefully use this medication. The resistance of the organism in their case is low enough, therefore the standard dosage can be too high. In other cases, the dosage adjustment is not needed.

Contraindications of Cialis SoftCialis Soft can be taken only if there are no contraindications. These include:

  • second type of angina pectoris and heavier;
  • severe renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • stroke or heart attack in the last six months;
  • propensity to priapism;
  • leukemia;
  • uncontrolled pressure surges;
  • severe anemia;
  • hypotension.

If you are not sure about your health condition or have any chronic illnesses, consult with a specialist before taking the drug. If it well-tolerated, then you can buy 10 tablets at a lowest price.






Despite the fact that Cialis Soft acts very gently and well-tolerated, in some men it can cause side effects. Most of them are not dangerous and pass soon after the drug is withdrawn. The most common side effects are:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea, indigestion;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain.

Also, there is an extremely rare side effect named priapism which occurs only in those who have a tendency to it. Priapism is a painful erection that lasts for four hours or more. With signs of priapism, you should immediately consult with a doctor, since this condition is very dangerous and can lead to necrosis of the penis tissues.





Interaction with alcohol, tablets and grapefruitImpotence cure with Cialis Soft does not require changes in lifestyle. Cialis does not interfere with work, sports, hobbies, and driving transport.

The medicine is well-combined with other medications, but with some, it cannot be combined categorically, namely:

  • some antibiotics and antifungal drugs;
  • all medicines containing nitrates;
  • alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor blocking agent;
  • inhibitors that are used to treat AIDS and HIV.

Cialis Soft is well-combined with alcohol, but only when it comes to small amounts of alcohol. The permissible volume of ethyl alcohol is 2-3 cl.

The medicine can be taken regardless of meals, since the food products do not affect the action of Cialis. After taking fatty foods, the result will have to wait a little longer due to a slower absorption. The only product that cannot be combined with tadalafil is grapefruit. This fruit slows the excretion of the drug from the body and it significantly reduces its effectiveness.




Cialis Soft has already been appreciated by many men. Almost all of them were able to restore their sexual health and return the former male power. You can get acquainted with their reviews before ordering the drug at our website.





Buying in online storeCialis Soft is a very effective and powerful drug that has a mild effect, well-tolerated and suitable for men of all ages (over 18 years old). If you want to buy it at the cheapest price, then SildenafilViagra is the best pharmacy for this. At our website, you can make the order in few minutes, and goods will be dispatched to you within two hours. Delivery is available to all US cities. We use discreet looking packages, so nobody will know what medicines you are getting. If Cialis is good for you, then it makes sense to order 10 pills of Cialis Soft 20mg – it will much more profitable. In addition, you get a -35% off in case of paying in bitcoins.

We guarantee high-quality of our products and cooperate only with trusted suppliers. In addition to Cialis Soft, you can buy from us generic of world-famous Viagra 100 mg, Stendra and other drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

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