Kamagra Pills



Original price was: $600.00.Current price is: $179.00.

With the flood of positive customer testimonials we receive, we understand how much of a difference generic drugs can make to people with ED. But we don’t think you should be overcharged for the medication you need. Our online pharmacy works hard to keep our prices for generic Viagra and other ED drugs as low as possible.

But don’t mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency are consistent to that of the branded version.

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Viagra tabletsSexual activity is an integral part of life for any successful man. Unfortunately, stress, hypodynamia, excess weight, age-related changes, psychological problems lead many men to erectile dysfunction (here and below ED). Qualitative and efficient generics are the best choice for those who want to return their male power. Viagra 200 mg – generic, which can return strong erection even in the most neglected cases. The drug is produced in India according to the classical formula. It contains an increased dosage of sildenafil citrate, therefore it is very effective. The price of the drug, unlike the original Viagra, is available to everyone.

At SildenafilViagra online pharmacy you can buy Viagra 200 mg at the best price. The cost of big 200 tablets package will be even more profitable.





What are the benefits in 200 pills of Viagra 200mg? This drug is effective in almost all cases, if a man has sexual arousal, but there are problems with erection. The main advantages of the medicine include:

  • universality. The medicine is suitable for men from 18 to 65 years;
  • fast action;
  • convenient duration of action (4 hours). This time is enough to commit several sexual acts. The drug is quickly excreted from the body, so the likelihood of side effects is low;
  • high efficiency. According to statistics, the drug is effective in more than 90% cases of erectile dysfunction.

Cause of EDViagra 200 mg is suitable for men who have ED as a consequence of:

  • age-related changes;
  • blood circulatory disorders;
  • stressful situations, fears and self-doubt.

The drug can also be used to treat ED in men who have problems with the spine and impaired coordination.




The main active ingredient of Viagra is sildenafil citrate. This substance with sexual arousal strengthens or replaces enzymes that cause an erection. The effect of the drug is natural, as it enhances the natural processes that arise in the body.

Sildenafil enhances blood circulation and relaxes the smooth muscles of the penis. Thanks to this erection becomes strong and stable. After the end of the sexual intercourse, the erection disappears naturally.

The drug lasts about 4 hours, after which its effect stops. The effect occurs after 30-40 minutes after intake, reaching its peak after 1 hour.

The drug is well tolerated and does not require dose adjustment in most cases. The exception is the elderly men of 65 years and men with mild renal insufficiency. Their resistance to various drugs is reduced, so the dosage should be lowered too. A specialist will help to choose the correct dose.





As already mentioned above, Viagra 200 mg has an increased dosage of active substance, so you can take it without consulting a doctor only if you are healthy man. The advice of a specialist is needed when a man takes any other medications for a long time, has chronic diseases or at least one of the contraindications.

ContraindicationsThese include:

  • 2nd type of angina pectoris;
  • heart arrhythmia;
  • uncontrolled pressure surges;
  • chronic hypotension (pressure drops below 90/60);
  • cases of priapism in the anamnesis;
  • severe anemia;
  • stroke or heart attack, in the last 6 months;
  • oncological diseases of the blood;
  • severe hepatic and renal failure.

It is also not recommended taking this drug together with heavy medications that provide load on liver and kidneys. In this case, between taking the medication, it is advisable to take a short break.

You should use Viagra 200 mg per day in 1 hour before the alleged sexual intercourse. If you take a tablet with fatty foods, then the effect may come not in an hour, but a little later. Taking Viagra every day is allowed only in extreme cases. Doctors strongly do not recommend this.





Side effects when taking Viagra are rare. All of them are quite safe and pass shortly after the withdrawal from the drug.

HeadacheThe main of them are:

  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • dizziness;
  • easy distraction and anxiety;
  • nasal congestion;
  • blood rush to face and neck area.

Very rare and dangerous side effect is priapism. It is a painful prolonged erection that does not go away. If this condition occurs more than 4 hours, you should immediately seek medical help. Priapism can occur in people who have vein thrombosis, impaired blood circulation or have cases of priapism in the past.





Viagra 200 mg does not require a change in lifestyle, abandoning the usual dishes or habits. It is undesirable to combine the drug with alcohol. This is permissible only in small amounts (no more than 20-30 g of ethyl alcohol). With food, sildenafil does not enter into a chemical reaction. The only product that cannot be taken with Viagra is grapefruit and its derivatives. This fruit slows the excretion of sildenafil from the body (increases the risk of side effects) and neutralizes its effect.

As for medicines, then Viagra can be called neutral. It can be taken with the vast majority of medicines.

AntibioticsThe exceptions are:

  • some broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • most inhibitors;
  • alpha- and beta-blockers;
  • some antifungal drugs;
  • all medications for the treatment of cardiovascular system that contain nitrates;
  • drugs that used to lower blood pressure.

Men who take “club” narcotics should refuse them. Many such narcotics contain nitrates, so simultaneous safe use of Viagra is impossible.





A lot of men around the world are taking generics for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Viagra 200 mg is very popular due to its effectiveness, especially since it can be bought quite cheap. Those who have already used this drug note that their condition has improved, problems with potency have gone, and self-esteem has increased. This is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Thrilled. My order arrived sooner than expected. The product worked almost word for word to the description on the site. All I can say is, overall, I am thrilled. The best part is my wife is too! Matthew A.

Full on Blitz. I feel like I did when I was 20! Every time my wife gives me the look now it a full on Blitz! I am so happy that I tried this generic Sildenafil product. I wanted to share my experience so others can feel like I do! Kris S.

The Price is Right. The site was easy to navigate and appeared to be very discrete. I received my order quickly and to me most importantly, the price was right. I will order again. Jason C.




Online pharmacyYou have problems with erection, but hesitate to go to the pharmacy? You need a quality, effective, but inexpensive drug to treat ED? Then our SildenafilViagra online store is just what you need. Here you can purchase 200 tablets of Viagra 200 mg very quickly and at a bargain price. Having made an order online, you choose the delivery by yourself – usual (about a month) or express (about a week). Whichever option you choose, the goods will be delivered “to the door” in any city of the USA. Delivery will be free if the amount of your goods exceeds $150. Also, you can spare 25% by paying in bitcoins.

Also, here you can find many other drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. These include Cialis 10 mg, Viagra (in various doses), Super P ForceLevitraKamagra. In addition, we have for sale means for premature ejaculation healing.

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