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According to anonymous interviews and questionnaires, a great number of men in the USA silently suffer from a premature ejaculation (PE) problem. This disorder can happen with males of any age and worsen their intimate life along with a decreased self-esteem.

There is no need to keep this dysfunction untreated and feel frustrated every time during a sexual intercourse. Generic Priligy is a modern and fast-acting medicine, which is able to remove this problem out of your life. It successfully prolongs an intercourse and helps to restore potency depriving men of this depressing issue.




If ejaculation happens by an insignificant stimulation of the male organ or any other sensitive male body parts, it is considered premature. Both partners are not satisfied by the duration of such sexual intercourse. It makes men get a great emotional stress about the problem.

Generic Priligy is developed to delay ejaculation helping men to obtain a control over it. It increases the time of ejaculation and reduces male stress over the problem. Buying Priligy 60 mg 10 drugs helps men to feel more confident and secure in bed without any concerns. In our pharmacy, the pills can be ordered OTC.




ErectionThe process of ejaculation is monitored by the central nervous system, which in turn is regulated by the brain. The main Priligy ingredient – dapoxetine – delays the reactions in the male brain that are responsible for the semen emission. It doesn’t improve the erection quality, but it increases the intravaginal ejaculation latency time.

Priligy refers to a group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which are known for raising the amount of serotonin in the human brain. Similar enzymes are used in antidepressants. They reduce a male nervous pressure caused by premature ejaculation, improve the sexual performance and amplify his self-esteem.





Usually urologists prescribe to start Priligy treatment with a 30 mg dose. This serving suits for beginners, who haven’t tried dapoxetine before. A tablet is taken 1-3 hours before men plan a sexual intercourse. It is swallowed with 200 ml of water. In a couple of hours, dapoxetine penetrates into the blood, reaches its potency and starts working.

Priligy is not a medicine that can be consumed daily. Observe a 24-hour pause before taking another pill. When a male body gets used to the dapoxetine effect, the dosage can be increased to 60 mg. The total daily intake should not exceed this amount of an active substance.

Take six first tablets and discuss with your urologist the achieved results. He will advise whether the further therapy can be continued.


Is It Safe?


Contraindications of Priligy pillsUsually dapoxetine is well endured by patients. If users suffer from the following diseases, they should take Priligy with precautions:

  • heart diseases;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • allergy to dapoxetine;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • depression;
  • high eye pressure.

Priligy has incompatibility with a number of drugs both prescribed and over-the-counter. Tell your therapist if you take any of the below medicines not to get unwanted side effects:

  • antibiotics;
  • pills for high blood pressure;
  • ED tablets (CialisViagra, etc);
  • antidepressants;
  • medicines for infections;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs for HIV.

It is necessary to observe a two-week interval before you start using Priligy, as well as a one-week break before you quit dapoxetine therapy. Your health care provider will work out an individual drug intake scheme.




The adverse effects caused by Priligy treatment are quite individual and are not necessarily obtained by users. Study the following symptoms to be aware of possible negative reactions:

  • skin flushing;
  • feeling dizzy;
  • stomach pain;
  • sweating;
  • headaches;
  • diarrhea;
  • blurred vision;
  • feeling anxious.

Blood pressureThese are the most typical side effects, while rare ones may include such symptoms as:

  • feeling depressed or panic;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • abnormal taste;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • fainting;
  • loss of sex drive.

Do not take Priligy if you experience any of the described side effects. Usually these reactions occur because of a dapoxetine overdosing. Address the nearest emergency center if these symptoms do not go away.




The dapoxetine results are slightly affected by a food consumption. Avoid eating fatty meals before a pill intake. Oily and greasy foods prevent a quick pill absorption and delay the time of its maximum effectiveness.

Do not use ethanol-containing beverages during the treatment period. Alcohol drinks mixed with dapoxetine may amplify some side effects caused by the medicine. Because of the same reason, try to exclude grapefruit juice from your food regime.

Priligy can be absolutely safe for users if it is taken according to the doctor’s prescriptions.




ReviewsGeneric Priligy has been highly estimated by our customers and received numerous positive reviews. It is a real helping hand that successfully overcomes this unpleasant sexual disorder. Our review history is full of gratitude for this forceful medicine.

Customers’ feedback is a perfect illustration of the drug effectiveness. Every new user browses these testimonials trying to find some useful information about the remedy. The review page proves that Priligy really deserves a male confidence.

The purchase of 10 pills is an excellent option for those men who still suffer from PE. The tablets can be ordered without prescription and delivered to any destination within the United States.




ShippingIt is a personal choice for every man where to buy Priligy, either in local drugstores or via online pharmacies. Making a purchase in internet shops involves no risks if you deal with such a source like SildenafilViagra. If you look for effective and cheap generics produced in India or original brand medicines, our pharmacy is the best place to order these products. We offer a reasonable cost even for labeled pills. If you suffer from a double ED plus PE problem, you can buy Super P-Force, which contains dapoxetine combined with sildenafil (Viagra’s main component).

All products at SildenafilViagra can be ordered with no prescription and paid by credit cards, via PayPal or by bitcoin. If you ask how to get the medicine, it is easy, just add the products to your cart. We’ll take care about the delivery: it is always quick and confidential. 10 tabs of Priligy 60 mg is the hottest sale offer for today!


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