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Original price was: $900.00.Current price is: $249.00.

There are a number of pharmaceutical companies who make it their business to manufacture generic Cialis (Tadalafil caps).

The active ingredient in Cialis Super Active 20 mg (generic Cialis) is Tadalafil 20mg. Cialis is merely a trade name. Generic Cialis is therefore any medication that contains Tadalafil in the same concentrations as it occurs in Cialis.

Cialis Super Active 20 mg is the weekend pill – you do not have to time your sexual activity. It’s an ideal choice for men who are very sexually active. Last up to 36 hours!

For 90% of men suffering from erectile dysfunction, the primary cause is related to psychological, not physical issues. In these cases, Cialis Super Active is very effective form of treatment. You can buy cheap Cialis Super Active 20 mg without prescription right here!

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Cialis tabletsErectile dysfunction (ED) is a common male problem in the contemporary world, which affects millions of men. This issue is successfully treated due to numerous effective medications developed by pharmacologists.

Viagra has been an incredible breakthrough in ED therapy, until Cialis was discovered. This drug tops the list of popular drugs with its prolonged and milder action. Cialis Super Active is a new representative of familiar Cialis with an improved formula and shape.




Cialis Super Active has the same active ingredient, tadalafil, but vs regular Cialis, this substance is issued in a liquid form and encapsulated. Gelatin cover is quickly dissolved in the stomach, and tadalafil is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. This feature allows Cialis Super Active to act faster, what also determines its quicker onset of action.

This type of Cialis is popular among men who expect spontaneous sex activity during a couple of days. With a prolonged activity up to 36-48 hours, it gets its name a “weekend drug.” Taken on Friday, it ensures satisfactory intercourse for men during 2 days-off with increased erection functions and with no sexual troubles.




ErectionProbably, you have heard that Cialis belongs to a family of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. PDE5 enzymes are produced in a body naturally and support the blood vessels in a taut and constricted mode. That is a good means to support the elasticity of the blood vessels, but not favorable for an erection process. Tadalafil reduces the activity of these enzymes and relaxes the muscles in the groin area. With no obstacles on its way, more blood reaches the male organ.

The structure of penile tissues resembles a sponge. If you add water to a sponge, its volume increases. The similar thing happens to the reproductive organ. When it is filled with more blood, it results in a natural erection.

It takes tadalafil 15-20 minutes to get into the blood, while its maximum concentration is discovered in 2 hours after pill administration.

The tablet composition is fully compatible with the blood proteins. The half-life of Cialis amounts to 17 hours. 36% of its ingredients is excreted with urine, the other with excrements.

Cialis Super Active vs Regular Cialis


Cialis Super Active comprises the same agent (tadalafil) and has a prolonged action period up to 2 days. The main difference between them is its updated appearance (fluid components inside a yellow gelatin covering) and faster action start. This Cialis type is developed in a 20 mg dosage, which should be used in case of need.

Regular Cialis is manufactured as an ordinary film-coated tablet colored orange. As it is also used to cure benign prostatic hyperplasia in patients with enlarged prostates, it comes in various strengths of 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, or 20 mg. In smaller strengths, it can be consumed daily.




A pill is taken half an hour before intercourse with a large amount of water. The strength of 20 mg is the highest possible Cialis dosage to treat ED, which cannot be exceeded. Take a 24-hour pause before taking the next serving.

Arterial hypertensionIf men have the below listed medical conditions, Cialis Super Active should be administered under medical control:

  • heart diseases (any heart stroke or attack in the past);
  • high level of cholesterol;
  • penile deformity (Peyronie’s disease, etc);
  • blood disorders;
  • eye problems;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • renal or hepatic disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy to tadalafil;
  • stomach ulcers.

Patients over 50 and new tadalafil users should start with a lower dosage to evaluate the drug effectiveness and a body’s response. Use sexual stimulation to promote Cialis effects.

Make an appointment with your doctor, so he can determine the right dose intake. Follow his advice on how to take Cialis with no harm for your health.




As a safe choice, Cialis is rarely associated with side effects. A lot of consumers use the drug with no unpleasant symptoms. Side effects usually appear because of individual intolerance to tadalafil or if an incorrect dosage is chosen. Anyway, every user has to be aware of possible negative reactions:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • blurred vision or vision changes;
  • hearing changes;
  • headaches;
  • flu-like symptoms (stuffy nose, fever, etc.);
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach discomfort;
  • dizziness;
  • chest pain.

Most of these symptoms are temporary and soon go away. If they persist and bother you, contact your doctor immediately. A possible case of overdose may lead to allergic reactions to the medicine:

  • difficulty in breathing or swallowing;
  • skin itching;
  • swelling of face, tongue, lips;
  • hives;
  • rash;
  • flushes.

Stop using Cialis and call an emergency center. Inform your therapist of any unexpected body response to the pills.




Tadalafil is not affected by the consumption of drinks or food, so nothing prevents a good dinner before intercourse. Avoid eating too fatty products that can postpone action onset.

Coadministration with alcohol may provoke such side effects like dizziness, blood pressure drop or fainting. Both tadalafil and ethanol are known to dilate blood vessels to such an extent that it leads to a decrease of blood pressure. Reduce an amount of alcoholic beverages to exclude life-threatening situations.

Grapefruit juice is one more beverage to avoid. This fruit interacts with enzymes that participate in tadalafil excretion from a body. It leads to accumulation of Cialis active substance in the tissues and subsequent side effects. Grapefruit is fully excreted within 72 hours, what is important to observe before/after pill intake.

Some medications can cause dangerous consequences if used together with Cialis. The list includes over 200 nominations. Here are the most commonly used ones:

  • nitrates;
  • antifungals;
  • antibiotics;
  • other ED and PE pills;
  • alpha-blockers;
  • protease inhibitors;
  • AIDS/HIV drugs.

Notify your doctor about all currently used vitamins, tablets, herbal products and supplements. Note that tadalafil stays in a body for 48 hours, so it may interact with other drugs during this time period.




Cialis Super Active is approved by regular SildenafilViagra customers as a potent and long-acting medication for a temporal ED cure. They find these capsules very productive compared with sildenafil (present in Viagra) effect, which lasts only 4-5 hours. Men report in their reviews that full alacrity lasts during a weekend (not precisely erection, but readiness to be engaged in sexual activities). The other distinguishing point is certainly the price. Powerful Cialis Super Active is available for sale in our pharmacy store at the best price. Quality and cheap generics is what attracts men to buy ED and PE remedies here.


Cialis Super Active vs Professional Cialis


Both drugs contain 20 mg of tadalafil. Comparing Cialis Super Active vs Cialis Professional, a key distinction is in their form. The latter medicine looks like an ordinary almond-shaped tablet unlike its gel-like counterpart. Both pills are used in case of need and stay active in a body for 36 hours.




Online orderMen, who have read this article, probably have some sexual concerns, which bother them. Do not hesitate! Easy and quick solution of your problem is a couple of clicks away from you. Make an online order and get your parcel with the fastest delivery service. We guarantee the best terms of shipping, an anonymous way of getting goods and require no prescription.

Choose the medicine you need from a variety of drugs offered to treat ED, PE or both issues. Generic KamagraPriligyViagra SoftTadapox or Super P-Force will cope with sexual problems of any severity. They are able to make your sexual life exciting again.


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